Sunday, June 13, 2010

my First Shabbat

Alright so today was my first Shabbat and it was pretty awesome. All you really do is just chilax, no one is working, all the stores are closed and people are all just relaxing and enjoying their time. So this morning I had breakfast with Chris (German engineer who is sharing the office with me) and met some of his friends. I hung out for a bit then went back to watch the world cup, or more accurately, to watch S. Korea kick Greece's ass. ;) but after that I cooked lunch, watch Argentina struggle with Nigeria. And then I went out for a run and took some pictures of the places around me. and man the nature's beauty that surrounds me just mesmerizes this suburban boy from Michigan. I think I like mountains and valley's a little too much, but it was awesome. And infact one of the valley's that I took a picture of is the Valley that is mentioned in the bible, and I thought that was really awesome. I Can't wait to go hiking!!!! :) but alright to end the night I also saw the USA game, man I just love world cup, but USA did alright so I give them props. But I better get to bed now, tmr is going to be my first day of work and I am pretty pumped for it. shalom! :)

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