Desert behind the city
Alright so today I decided I would go visit the near by city Beer-Sheva a bit. Sede Boker (where I am) is really a country side with nothing around so I decided I go hangout and the city with some of the MIT friends that are there. My Israeli friend Lior and Solomon were driving up to Beer-Sheva for a graudation (Solomon was graduating, he's a genius, getting Phd and masters in 3 years, he invented a different form of calculus to solve the grid matching problem for solar pannels, yeah what a beast) but moving on, so I hitched a ride with them and went to Beer-Sheva, on my way there I saw some Camels and got lucky and had my camera ready to take some pictures. It was about 45 min drive and I met up with Pat and Jason there and we walked around the city, had a nice dinner, and talked about our possible Tel Aviv and Dead sea trip this weekend. Then I came back to Sed Boker around 11pm, and just kinda layed on the grass looking at the sky haha. The night sky here is gorgeous, not as beautiful as the night sky in New Mexico, but close. The stars look like art works as they dot the dark sky, and I just fell in love with the sky, mesmerized by it's beauty. And I think alot when I look at the sky, and I was thinking, how those stars have been there for thousands of years, histories were made under those stars, amazing fits were achieved, and it just made me think about all the things haha kinda wishing these stars could tell me their wisdom that have after seeing all the things that have happened. But moving on. :) haha it was a great time and I am loving Sed Boker. I actually really like and prefer the nature more than the city life. Beer_Sheba is like Cambridge and Boston, and I didn't really like it; because it's something I can experience every day. But being secluded, locked up in this natural beauty, just calms me and it's just very relaxing and nice haha. hard to word it, but it's just a soothing and a great feeling. And I get to concentrate alot more on my studies, so things are awesome here. But alrighty, I will keep you guys posted, Shalom.
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