weird yoga guy at the beach
street market
ironically had lunch here- a place in the mall
huge mall i was at
all soldiers

above photo courtesy of Erika
So last Thursday I left for Tel Aviv to meet up with some friends and to celebrate some birthdays. And man Tel Aviv was amazing, it was alot of fun and pretty insane as well haha.
I left for Tel Aviv on Thursday morning with 3 hours on Wed night because I had to finish up my work. So I was pretty low on sleep and tierd going to Tel Aviv, and also I didn't have a phone or anything on me, and my only plan I had was to meet up with a friend at the train station in Beer Sheba (which is 45 min bus ride from Sede Boker (where I am)) but when I got to the station I couldn't find him and he couldnt find me so I jist took the train by myself without knowing what to do when I got to Tel Aviv. So I got to Tel Aviv with nothing. I didn't have phone numbers, a phone, or anything. So I asked ppl where the mall was ( I was planning on going to a computer store to use internet to get some ppl at Tel Aviv's number, and I also had to get a phone) so I walked about 40 minutes and got to the mall went to a mac store got the number, and a phone, and made the call from a pay phone, (they couldn't get my phone done in one day because they had to jail break it, so I had to pick up my phone the next day) but my friend didn't get off from work tll 7 and i was there at 2 so i just chilled at the mall and walked around all over the place in Tel Aviv which ws pretty fun. I walked around alot alot. But the reason why I went to Tel Aviv with no plan, and I just travel and walk around isn't just because I am care free and chill, but it;s that i feel really safe here, because there are soldiers everrryyy where, with huge power weapons, and I saw maybe like 500 soldiers through out my whole trip, they are just every where in civilian places and etc. and some of these soldiers (they have mandatory draft here) looked like they were 15 or so, and girls, (girls also have to do service here) they looked like they were 17 lol(probably because they were around 19) but most of them didn't but it was just really weird to see these really gorgeous and good looking girls in an army uniform, carrying huge power weapons. Idk it was just kinda weird, maybe only a scene in the movies haha. but yeah moving on, so I made some rndm israeli friends while hanging out by myself, and then I met up with my friend, and we met up with more friends from all over israel. Then we went out for a nice dinner (we were celebrating 4 of our friends b-day) then after dinner we went out clubbing and bar hopping. And then at 3:30 am 3 of my friends and I got out of the club and went to the un official gay beach. (we thought it would be cool to go to a gay beach haha no worries there was a girl with us) Of course there was no one there and it was just us four, so we decided to go skinny dipping in the mediterenian sea lol. I mean I kinda wanted to do it because I never gone skinny dipping and there was no one around, so hey if i am gonna skinny dip why not in Isreal in the mediterenian sea at 4 am , so we did that, and then swam for a long time and watch the sun rise, it was really beautiful, then I took a quick jog on the beach to warm up. Then we went to a near by bar to watch the Celtics and Lakers game.. which disapointed me greatly :(. then we went back to take a shower and go out for breakfast (yeah we pulled an all nighter haha) After Breakfast we went to go shop in the street plazas and then went to the beach, where I got a horrible sun burn and we spent most of our day there and then went back to my friends place to get ready for dinner. But before leaving for dinner i realized i lost my friends i pod, so i ran all the way back and searched the beach for an hour. I looked really dumb as I was walking around the beach shoveling the sand with my feet. Many people saw me doing this and probably thought I was weird and asked me what I was doing. I explained to them that I lost my friend's Ipod, and many of them even helped me find the Ipod. So there was about 3 of us shoveling sand with our feet. They were very nice people. After a long search I gave up and went back. When I got back my friend told me that she found it lol(it was in some other girls purse I think I put it in there after i used it thikning it was her purse lol) so yeah i was relieved. and it was also a very good run and exercise for me so I didn't really mind. That night we went to a nice restaruant called chocolate bar, where they make all these crazy food with chocolate. the girls in our group wanted to go :( lol, and me not liking sweets ordered a fish dish haha while everyone ordered these crazy heart attack chocolate meals, and after that I was way too tierd, so I went to my different friend's place in a city few miles away from Tel Aviv and slept there. And then in the morning me and my friend decided to get back to Tel Aviv but didn't want to pay for the Taxi it was like $30(we are college students OK? :P), so we decided to hitch hike and we hitch hiked our way back to Tel Aviv and met up with other ppl and had a lil more fun hanging out at the beach and then I went to catch my bus back to Sede Boker. all in all this weekend was pretty insane and tierding but it was alot of fun.
Damn Son! Sounds like you're having fun! Hows' the work part of it though? Very little mention of that... lol
ReplyDeletehaha thanks man, hope India is going awesome for you.
ReplyDeletelol i didn't write about work cause reading about work would be boring compared to my trip haha, but yeah works good, programming in matlab writing some code, doing mostly math stuff and working with solar pannels lol.